martes, 10 de agosto de 2010

Better Half II

Cal: That’s it, then? People just change and then they move on?
Zoe: Are you saying that I’m the one that changed?
Cal: You left me. You left.
Zoe: Yeah, I left because of you.
Cal: Oh, it’s my fault now?
Zoe: No, I’m saying you should take a hard look at what happened before you start blaming me.
Cal: Hey, I saw what happened! I saw what was happening! You know, I could see the doubt. I could see the doubt when you were standing on the bloody altar!
Zoe: Everyone has doubts, Cal! Everyone! At the altar, with their friends, in the maternity ward, staring at the very best thing that’s ever happened to them, but that doesn’t mean it’s the only thing that they feel. But you, you just…you saw every doubt, every fear. By the end, that was all you could see. You couldn’t let go of anything.
Cal: I was trying to be honest.
Zoe: Yes… I know. I know. But I can tell you, sweetheart, there really is such a thing as too much honesty in a marriage.
Cal: So, what do you want? You’d rather be with someone who doesn’t really know you, then?
Zoe: How about someone who doesn’t need to know everything about me? Who I can surprise on his birthday. Who doesn’t need to point out every time I’m even remotely attracted to another man.
Cal: Someone with his head up his ass?
Zoe: Someone who doesn’t study my eyebrows when I’m standing in a thong.
Cal: Why are you here, then? Why did you hire me, eh?
Zoe: It’s a tough case.

(Lie To Me 1x10)

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